About apvonkory

Romance writer enslaved to writing literary works set around the globe, especially the romance/psychological/suspense/thriller and erotic genres. I dislike the words "mainstream commercial" with a vengeance because these earn boatloads of money for authors writing boatloads of "mainstream commercial", locking me and my "literary" out. I'll fill you in on the rest of me when I find a niche for my "literary" works with international settings and thus skipped over my anger at "mainstream commercial".

Happy Valentine

Book 1 of the Bound to Tradition trilogy

Book 1 of the Bound to Tradition trilogy

The Initiation Award winning author A P von K’Ory has firsts from the London School of Economics and the London School of Journalism. She moved to Germany, where she studied Germanistics and German-specific economics. The princess also lectures and lives in Bavaria, Burgundy and Greece with her German husband and family.  For every human spirituality, there are rituals and rites of passage. In Luoland, Kenya, it is The Initiation.  “This is not only exotic, culturally stimulating and not run-of-the-mill Harlequin, it’s an intercultural study. The book is for the discerning and culturally savvy Africanists. Ever heard of A Many Splendoured Thing? Well this is the African version of that.”   Karen Ammond, Elite Professionals Magazine   The lie is necessary. Loyana, the beloved only daughter in the Lindqvist family, is old enough to be initiated in the Ancient Sacred Oath of Luoland's female deities. And her mother, Khira, is determined for Loyana to go through the ceremony, even while knowing that her husband, Erik, would forbid it. So, lie they must.    It is in Kenya's Tsavo National Park, where the entire Lindqvist family is looking forward to a weekend safari, that Loyana becomes deathly ill, and her mother learns she is inadvertently responsible for the poisoning. Because of The Initiation.    When Erik learns that his cherished daughter is so ill because his wife went against his emphatic wishes, he sees red and bashes Khira into a coma.   No medical help is available by way of transportation or communication in Tsavo National Park at night, except by radio calls and bribes. Will help arrive in time for mother and daughter? “I loved the poignant style and picturesque dialogue – African/Luo as well as contemporary. This is a feat that only an accomplished writer can achieve so effortlessly without leaving the reader in doubt of what is meant. The author admits that there are autobiographical elements in the trilogy.”   Dr U. B. Sheldon, Nuremberg.    “I heartily recommend this story to anyone concerned with humanity’s reaction to financial success, even when traditional values are threatened and lost. The picture of Khira is that of a thrilling heroine who risks all in a doomed effort to reconcile traditional with modern.”         Bruce L. Cook, Sanford Publisher  “The book is skilfully-written, with sexual tension, tender and passionate love scenes, suspense and surprises, and the author demonstrates a substantial knowledge of [Africa] and the international business world.”   Trish Jackson, Romance Suspense  “What an amazing authentic story and, above all, storyteller!”  Michelle Butler

Book 2 of the Bound to Tradition Trilogy

The Separation Award winning author A P von K’Ory has firsts from the London School of Economics and the London School of Journalism. She moved to Germany, where she studied Germanistics and German-specific economics. The princess also lectures and lives in Bavaria, Burgundy and Greece with her German husband and family.  You’re a father who runs his own global empire successfully. Then your wife, twenty-four years young, is no longer there to take care of your children and the home front. And you’re the cause of The Separation.  “This is not only exotic, culturally stimulating and not run-of-the-mill Harlequin, it’s an intercultural study. The book is for the discerning and culturally savvy Africanists. Ever heard of A Many Splendoured Thing? Well this is the African version of that.”   Karen Ammond, Elite Professionals Magazine  The coma patient screamed her inaudible words: Who am I? Who is this man crying over me in my bed? Answer me! Why can’t you hear me?   So begins the final book in the Bound to Tradition trilogy, which continues the story of the Lindqvist family.   Khira and Loyana have been brought to a private clinic in Glion-sur-Montreaux Switzerland to recover from vastly different ailments. Loyana was inadvertently poisoned by her mother, Khira, during a female coming-of-age ceremony in Khira’s homeland, Luoland. Upon discovering Khira’s deceitful hand in Loyana’s illness, Erik, Loyana’s father, struck Khira so hard that she went into a coma.   Although both are slowly recovering, it will be an exceptionally hard road back to her life and her beloved family for Khira.  Erik handles this double tragedy by reaching out to his parents and Khira’s girlhood friend Joyce, who takes over for the grief-stricken Erik. He has no idea how to cope with anything especially with his children, other than his business empire where he controls, is sure of his competence and ironclad leadership – the very qualities he lacks in taking care of his children and their comatose mother.   “I loved the poignant style and picturesque dialogue – African/Luo as well as contemporary. This is a feat that only an accomplished writer can achieve so effortlessly without leaving the reader in doubt of what is meant. The author admits that there are autobiographical elements in the trilogy.”   Dr U. B. Sheldon, Nuremberg.    “I heartily recommend this story to anyone concerned with humanity’s reaction to financial success, even when traditional values are threatened and lost. The picture of Khira is that of a thrilling heroine who risks all in a doomed effort to reconcile traditional with modern.”         Bruce L. Cook, Sanford Publisher  “The book is skilfully-written, with sexual tension, tender and passionate love scenes, suspense and surprises, and the author demonstrates a substantial knowledge of [Africa] and the international business world.”   Trish Jackson, Romance Suspense  “What an amazing authentic story and, above all, storyteller!”  Michelle Butler

Book 3 of the Bound to Tradition Trilogy